Ed Conger graduated from Texas A&M University in 1981 with a degree in Business Management. After graduation, Conger served 20 years in the United States Marine Corps as an Infantry Officer: Company Commander L/3/7 Desert Storm, CO of training companies at OCS and The Basic School, Quantico, VA. Last duty was Operations Officer, 3rd Marine Division, Okinawa, Japan in 2001.
After retiring from the Marine Corps and moving to Rockwall, Conger has spent the last 23 years serving students, families, and teachers as a leader in public education and continues working today. Public Education is not only his work but his passion.
Conger is a life long public servant and fully committed to public education. As a board member of Rockwall ISD, he commits to you that he will fight for students, teachers and taxpayers first and that he will always be accessible to you. His cell is (972) 565-5005. Text anytime.
Conger's education experience includes:
2001-2002 - 5th grade math teacher,
Eladio Martinez Learning Center, Dallas ISD -
2002-2004 - 7th grade math teacher,
Bussey Middle School, Garland ISD -
2004-2005 - Assistant Principal,
Sachse High School, Garland ISD -
2005-2006 - Assistant Principal,
Bussey Middle School, Garland ISD -
2006-2008 - Principal, Hillsboro ISD
2008-2012 - Principal, Dallas ISD
2012 - Executive Director of 13 schools, Dallas ISD
2012-Present - Founder and Superintendent of International Leadership of Texas Public Charter Schools
When the Texas Legislature failed to agree on a school funding bill after one regular session and four special sessions, the impact on our classrooms was immediate and devastating.
Last November, the education establishment and the education unions in Austin convinced 21 legislators to kill HB1 becuase it would have authorized 1/2 of 1% of the 5,400,000 Texas school kids to attend private schools. The education establishment and the unions' success killed the public school funding for the rest of the 99.5% of Texas school kids and Texas public school teachers. Texas school districts and Rockwall ISD, by refusing the additonal state funding, have and are operating on deficit budgets, withdrawing from their savings accounts and/or asking local home owners to pay higher school property taxes - I find this unacceptable. With the loss of COVID-19 emergency federal funds, and turning down state funding in a time where incredible demands are placed on our teachers and campus leaders, we need a board member who will fight for our students, teachers and our taxpayers.
Through the brilliant misguided success of the education establishment killing Education Savings Accounts/vouchers, districts across the state are now forced to shutter campuses, cut critical teaching positions, and slash vital programming and resources that our students and teachers desperately need.
By the way, ESA/vouchers would not be available for any family who makes more than 4 times the poverty line or for a family of three that would mean if your family made more than $100,000 your child would not qualify for vouchers. So two first year teachers would make so much mony that they are "rich" since vouchers are for the "rich". Instead, the establishments' defeat of HB1 means those two teachers would not get the public school funding they deserved:
a $4,000 one time salary payment directly to the teachers (for Rockwall ISD about $4,800,000 in additional salary payment for our teachers),
for students an increase of $540 in Basic Allottment (for Rockwall ISD about $10,000,000 additonal funding per year)
for a teacher who retires next year the loss of that $4,000 bonus means their retired pay is $400 less (22 years service) or $540 less (30 years service) for the rest of those teachers' lives.
For many ISD's the solution to their deficit budget problems will be to burden their communities by raising Maintenance and Operations taxes, which already typically makes up 50% of the average Texan's total property taxes. Visit http://www.TxSchools.gov
Why did this happen? Because it was more important to career educators to defeat the 1/2 of 1% of the kids who may qualify for vouchers than to support getting more money into the 99.5% public school classrooms and public school teachers. The teachers are the ones developing the future leaders of Texas but they are the ones suffering the consequences.
The role of any school board member should be to advocate for the students, teachers and taxpayers of their district with the state and federal elected officials. The information above is not just to "litigate last November" but rather it is about having someone of our Rockwall ISD board that will start advocating for our students immediately after sworn into the position. As your Rockwall School Board Member, I will stand on my knowledge and experience as a leader in public service and public education to be a strong fighter to ensure our students, our teachers and our taxpayers of Rockwall receive the funding we need and deserve.